Rekindle the Joy!
Sometimes we forget how privileged we are until we see others celebrate with pure joy what we have taken for granted!
Join in the celebration, like these brothers and sisters in the faith!
(Please click the above link to watch video)
The Nsenga people never had the Word of God to read and study in their own language until this day. Then, after much preparation, the whole village turned out in their Sunday finest and received God via his New Testament Word with a multi-hour reception fit for the King! They sang and danced in front of the cart carrying the precious Word just as King David jubilantly danced when finally bringing the Ark of God to Zion to dwell among them (2 Samuel 6:14).
Such joy over the precious Word of God! And immediate fellowship and reading!
Wandering through our homes, how likely is it we'd find multiple copies of this precious gift lying about, dusty, unused or tucked in cases, pristine, perfect spines, unopened? Why? What fear holds us back from the unmatched joy of having God himself speak to us through His Word?
Well fear not! Join in the GSL celebration of God's Word, like the Nsenga, this Sunday, August 19! We celebrate our opportunity to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest this gift. Celebrate like a child and with our children as we anticipate with great joy and renewed focus on the study of God's Word through our Sunday offerings for them and all our GSL adults. The stronger we are in the Word, the stronger and healthier we are as a church family.
Come! Celebrate! Join in Sunday Study alongside our children! Our adults will be blessed by the study of Timothy and Titus beginning August 26.
Rekindle the Joy!