Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

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LWML Servant Event 01/26/19


"Precious Baby Hearts Project"

Saturday, January 26

Friends and guests are always welcome at the LWML events, especially this one! The servant event planned for Saturday, January 26 will be to help with the Baby Angel Gowns & Wraps program at St. Mark’s Lutheran. All supplies will be provided to complete heart mementos given to parents. Before starting the work, the Baby Angel Gowns and Wraps Committee will show what they have made and explain how the program works, especially how they connect with the hospitals. The morning will start at 9:00 with breakfast, followed by the servant event.

President Nicole Dowdell will also share with us an activity called "Discovering how similar our differences are." We will learn about how observant or nonobservant we really are, and why it’s important when we engage with our Christian sisters. She participated in this activity at the recent AOL (Assembly of Leader) training in St Louis. For this to work the best, it is important to bring along lots of friends or guests!

Last will be the Cincinnati Zone’s Executive Board meeting and designated representatives from the churches need to stay, but all interested women are welcome also. Future planning will be discussed, as well as news from the Ohio District.

It will be a morning filled with laughter and sighs, and different ways we count our blessings. Mark your own calendar now, so you have the date free to attend this LWML event. In case of crummy weather, the snow date will be February 9.