Church News

COVID 19 Update

Sunday Morning In-house Worship Service

Praise God we have resumed in-person worship at Good Shepherd at 10 AM.  The Zoom broadcasts continue. We invite you join us in-person or on Zoom. 


In order to adhere to safety recommendations as we worship together, we have implemented the following:

  • One service at 10 AM each Sunday (until the elders can assess attendance and we gain experience with safety issues).

  • The service is held in the Sanctuary with groups of chairs spaced in groups for safety.

  • The greetings and sharing of the peace will be from a social distance and limited.

  • The wearing of a mask is recommended by the state, although be aware that not everyone will wear a face mask.

  • There will be no fellowship refreshments served.

  • We will forego the children’s message.

  • If you do not feel comfortable attending or are a person considered at risk of the virus, please remain at home and take advantage of the Zoom presentation of the service described below. Please email the church secretary at if you do not receive the zoom meeting invitations.



  • Communion has resumed with individual cups only (no common cup).

  • If you cannot come by the church and need the elements delivered to you, please call the church and let us know.


Alternative Zoom Service

  • The services will continue to be available via Zoom for those wishing to participate.

  • A link will be sent to all members each week.


Adult Bible Study via Zoom

  • Due to timing issues of Zooming the Bible Study and getting ready for an in-person service, the Sunday morning Bible Study is temporarily suspended.



We are excited to gather as a community, and we look forward to expanding the opportunities to worship together.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.


David Smith

Head Elder

210 218 3685

Update on COVID-19

Due to the impact of the Corona virus and the government’s desire to protect our country’s health by restricting groups of 10 or more from meeting we believe it is in the best interest of our members and visitors to suspend church operations until Easter as follows:

  • Unless the government imposed Corona virus restrictions ease sooner, church services will be suspended immediately as of Wednesday, March 18, through Good Friday with the first anticipated resumption of services being on Easter Sunday.  However the church will remain open on Sunday mornings during normal worship times for prayer and meditation.

  • Sunday School for all ages will be postponed until further notice.

This was an extremely difficult decision to make as we are concerned with the spiritual as well as physical well-being of our members.  It is important for us to remain connected with one another and our Lord.  During this time we ask that you: 

  • From your homes, join us in prayer and scripture reading at 10:00 am each Sunday so that we remain worshipping together as a church family albeit each from our respective homes.

  • Reach out frequently via phone, email or text to your fellow Good Shepherd members.  We do not want anyone to feel disconnected or isolated during this time.

  • Take the time to read scripture to your children. 

We pray that the Lord our God will bless you, protect you, and keep you healthy both in body and spirit during this unusual time.   

Please reach out to any one of the elders if you have concerns or need any assistance. 

David Smith, head elder            210 218-3685

Glen Leavens                                  508 769-6451

Vince Woolley                                859 801-5598

Ryan Reasoner                               513 305-8674

Keith Juergens                                859 380-9637

LWML Servant Event 01/26/19


"Precious Baby Hearts Project"

Saturday, January 26

Friends and guests are always welcome at the LWML events, especially this one! The servant event planned for Saturday, January 26 will be to help with the Baby Angel Gowns & Wraps program at St. Mark’s Lutheran. All supplies will be provided to complete heart mementos given to parents. Before starting the work, the Baby Angel Gowns and Wraps Committee will show what they have made and explain how the program works, especially how they connect with the hospitals. The morning will start at 9:00 with breakfast, followed by the servant event.

President Nicole Dowdell will also share with us an activity called "Discovering how similar our differences are." We will learn about how observant or nonobservant we really are, and why it’s important when we engage with our Christian sisters. She participated in this activity at the recent AOL (Assembly of Leader) training in St Louis. For this to work the best, it is important to bring along lots of friends or guests!

Last will be the Cincinnati Zone’s Executive Board meeting and designated representatives from the churches need to stay, but all interested women are welcome also. Future planning will be discussed, as well as news from the Ohio District.

It will be a morning filled with laughter and sighs, and different ways we count our blessings. Mark your own calendar now, so you have the date free to attend this LWML event. In case of crummy weather, the snow date will be February 9.

VBS 2018

We had a great week of Vacation Bible School this year! Thank you to everyone who made it a success by donating time, talent, and supplies! A big thank you to all the wonderful kids that came as well. Hope you all had as much fun as we did. Click through the photos below!

Technology Committee Update

Here is the latest update from our Technology Committee:

The committee is recommending the voters approve on May 20th spending $11,400 to add two Short Throw Laser Projectors in the church sanctuary with all labor supplied by GSLC workers. The church has been blessed with over $10,000 in contributions for the technology to date as well as a donation to add a monitor in the nursery. The remaining funding is from previously contributed memorial funds.

The bid includes:

  • Cabling, wiring, and switches/splitters
  • BlackMagic Web Presenter (so we can control what we send in terms of Video & Audio to the nursery)
  • 55" TV (confidence monitor - Back)
  • 15" Monitor  - Computer Control Station
  • 32" Monitor/TV in Nursery
  • Video Camera (recording Sanctuary for nursery)
  • TV Mounts
  • Both Displays  (Projectors) installed up front in the sanctuary

Pastor Bill was involved with the planning and discussions behind the recommendation. Becky Aragon as congregation President was involved in the discussion and meetings as well. Also a big thank you to the following committee members for your efforts: Regina Bremer, Eric Berns, Andy Gawura, John Gumm, Scott Holloway, Glen Leavens, Justin O’Grady, Christine Reasoner, Bill Shaw, Vince Woolley. 


  1. Why are we doing this project?
    To enhance our spiritual growth and our worship life. God's Word is certainly timeless.  But it always communicated through present-day tools.  In our society, audiovisual learning is increasingly common and effective.  Therefore, we do well to explore how we might leverage these trends to learn more about God's love for us and His plan for our lives. The addition of projectors as a part of the worship service will enhance the worship experience by providing additional viewing points for the congregation during worship services.  We also have the ability to add additional media, like photos or videos to enhance the services.
  2. What are the ongoing costs for maintenance and how long are these projectors expected to last?
    For the most part, we should see 10+ years of good operation and maybe even up to 15 years. It’s hard to promise anything that far out as we could have lighting strike or just something goes wrong. The Equipment comes with a one year warranty.  Under normal circumstances, you should see many good years out of all this.
  3. How does projecting the service assist the Pastor?
    It gives him more tools for communicating God's Word.  Projected Scripture verses, key words/outlines, pictures, videos, etc. are all possible ways to increase engagement as well. Pastor Bill formerly led a congregation that projected the service and found that the ability to display the worship service enhances his ability to bring the message to the congregation.
  4. How does projecting the service help me worship on Sundays?
    In Pastor Bill's previous congregation, many people found the order of service easier to follow.  Some of the elderly members found the information much easier to see and appreciated not having to deal with the heaviness of the hymnals.  Parents/grandparents appreciated not having to juggle bulletins and hymnals in addition to their loved ones and their food, toys, etc. As a member or visitor you will know where we are at during the service by glancing at the projected images. Our voices project better when looking up, where the cross of Christ is located instead of down when we are looking at the bulletin as we do today. LCMS congregation are adopting this technology to assist the members participate fully in the worship service. If someone is concerned by the use of new technology within church, we should look to the success Martin Luther found with expanding God’s Kingdom through German bibles via the printing press. 
  5. Will we still have bulletins?
    Yes. We are planning a gradual adoption of the new format as we get use to the change. We do not yet know the shape of the bulletin. We anticipate a consolidated, outline format available for those who like to use the screens throughout the entire service. The Voice would continue in its current format.
  6. What is happening to the banners?
    They would be redeployed elsewhere in the sanctuary.  We have asked the Altar Guild to determine the exact placement.  We continue to appreciate all those who have made these banners over the years.
  7. Will I be able to read the projection?
    Most definitely.  During testing, it was proven that the words and images were clearly visible from all areas of the sanctuary.   
  8. Is the projector just a big distraction?
    No. Its size and placement does not overshadow the important fixtures and furnishings of God's house, such as the cross, altar, paraments, baptismal font, communion ware, etc. The new medium will help convey the message. Our church will continue to preach the good news. The new technology, like the addition of the hymnal is to assist the worship experience and bring us closer to Christ. Distractions are absorbed differently by each individual and no answer is found for 100% of cases.  Ideally, if a congregant is focused on the words and content displayed, the “distractions” are welcomed!
  9. Who will run the system?
    People who are currently helping with the sound system today will be trained on the new system. Please consider volunteering to assist this ministry.
  10. What will happen to the hymnals?
    All hymnals in the sanctuary would continue to be available for use. The hymnals are part of the church and we are excited that they may come into greater use. Our ability to display musical notes is a potential distraction. For congregational members wanting music, the hymn numbers will be printed and displayed so you can follow along.
  11. What do we expect projected during the service?
    The elements that are part of the LCMS worship service will continue as it does today. We anticipate taking elements from the bulletin and projecting them for the benefit of the congregation. The message, Christ crucified and preaching Law and Gospel will remain. Pastor Bill will lean on the power of prayer as he does today for the Spirit to guide the message and the images used. If Pastor Bill has any questions he will consult with the Elders to ensure content will be appropriate for worship. Pastor is experienced in using this technology with a previous congregation.  Younger families will appreciate the technology within the sanctuary as well as the monitor/audio in the nursery.  Visitors should be comfortable with this technology if they’ve visited other churches, as it’s becoming a new expectation/standard at other churches as well.

We had our final meeting on Wednesday, May 2nd to discuss the proposals for display systems in both the Sanctuary and nursery.  Here are some of the images from our demo. Please note that this demo did not use the same equipment as in the final proposal, but equipment to get a similar image, one as close to the final as possible, without any modification to our walls at this time. 


Thrivent Marriage Conference

Please join us at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan, May 20 – 21, 2018 for the Celebrate Your Marriage conference.

Thrivent Financial is sponsoring this two-day event hosted by Jay and Laura Laffoon. Their humorous and entertaining transparency provides couples the opportunity to connect through laughter. The Laffoons’ Celebrate Your Marriage Conference is designed to be an incredible two day retreat just for you and your spouse.

What you'll experience at the conference:

Fun—you'll laugh until your sides hurt!
The very best in entertainment, Biblical teaching and instruction.
Plenty of opportunities to apply what you're learning.
An uplifting and encouraging atmosphere.
Special Guest: Taylor Mason

Taylor Mason’s quick wit, flawless delivery and polished material make him a hit with audiences of all ages. He is a ventriloquist, musician and stand-up comedian. There is no way to describe what he does, because combining ventriloquism, music and comedy is unique to Taylor Mason and quite literally needs to be seen to be believed.

Jay and Laura Laffoon's Website

Register today!

Thrivent members will receive a $20 discount per person, an exclusive lunch with Jay and Laura, a book and DVD package, and a special gift. Visit to see the schedule and buy tickets. Promo Code THRIVENT18.

Please contact Diana Butler at (989)757-7539 or for more information.

No products will be sold at this event.

An Update From Council

Notes from March Council Meeting:

1) Pastor is looking into doing a congregational visioning sometime in the near future. We are coming upon our church's 25th anniversary in the year of 2020 and it is felt that this would be a good time to re-assess what our vision is at Good Shepherd. There will be more on that to follow as the year goes on.

2) We will be having our next Mobile Food Pantry in May.

3) Andy and Ryan are looking at potential dates in the summer for folks to go down to Paintsville for a mission project. Let them know if you're interested!

4) The church has hired a new housekeeper who will start on the 23rd of March. He will come one day a week to clean the church. Any issues should be brought to Becky Aragon’s attention.

5) We have a new council secretary – Lisa Berns – thank you so much for stepping up and helping!

6) Our next meeting will take place on April 9th.

Charlie's Socks

A Ministry of Comfort and Love

Thanks to your generosity we met our goal, and then some.

88 pairs were donated for adults males at the Emergency Shelter of Northern KY and to Prince of Peace in Over-The- Rhine. 42 pairs were donated for the women at Brighton Center. 108 pairs were donated for the children at Ockerman and Yealey. 

I think we can all say that Charlie is pleased. A total of 238 pairs of socks donated. A big thank you to all you participated!!

“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” - Hebrews 13:16

What is your gift?

The apostle Paul in talking to the Corinthians refers to the believers and baptized members of Christ as various parts of the body of Christ. He also references the gifts of the Spirit and says this: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.” 1 Corinthians 12:4. God has enabled each and every one of us with different spiritual gifts. To some of us He has given the gift of being able to manage money. To others He has given the gift of working with their hands. Still, to others He gives the gift of organization or management. We have been given these gifts so that we can use them to serve Him, both in our church and in our community. It is our responsibility and duty to make sure that we are not wasting this gift or using it in ways that are not pleasing to Him. Our church is the Body of Christ with God as our head. Each member plays a role. Typically that role will have something to do with the gift they have been given through God. When one role is not being filled, the body or church has to rely on others to fulfill it. This changes the way the body works and therefore decreases its strength and function. I am asking that each one of you evaluate your well-being and figure out what gift it is that the Lord has blessed you with. Are you using your God-given talent to help further his church? We are only as strong as each part/member. If you are not assisting in some way, please prayerfully consider how you can help. When one part is overworked the body is not as effective.

-Becky Aragon, GSLC President

Dave Ramsey Live

Dave Ramsey Live is back with a twist.... It's for individuals on their own equipment from the comfort of their homes, for a fee.

Groups of 10 or more may enjoy a nominal discount, so theoretically, we could do a centralized group again if there was sufficient interest, but there would be a fee involved.

Please respond to with your interest in a group viewing; otherwise register individually using the link below.

Dave Ramsey Registration

Matthew 25 Ministries Servant Event

On January 6th, Good Shepherd and Zion Lutheran's youth groups got together at Matthew 25 Ministries for a servant event.  They sorted through donated linens to decide on what could be kept. The students also got to tour the facility and learn about how Matthew 25 Ministries helps those areas affected by disasters. It was a great experience partnering with a wonderful ministry! To see more information about what they do, click here !

Sunday School Christmas Program

On Sunday, December 17, the Sunday School class at Good Shepherd presented the Christmas Program, From Heaven Above, at the 11:00 am service.  The children  told about Jesus’ birth with joyful hearts, songs, and readings. Originally written to share with his family, Martin Luther's beloved hymn, "From Heaven Above to Earth I Come" tells the story of an angel who has come from far away and into the circle of shepherds keeping watch in order to share the glorious news of Jesus' birth.  During the program, the kids lifted up their voices to sing some familiar Christmas hymns including, Away in a Manager and Silent NightAfter the Christmas program the kids joined other carolers who went out caroling to our shut in. The kids really stole the show, everybody really enjoyed their singing!

Twelve Days of Advent

Twelve Days of Advent?

As a child I sang at Christmas time the "Twelve Days of Christmas";  I am sure you did as well. However, we are in the season of Advent, despite all of the commercials and songs being played on the radio. Advent marks the beginning of the church calendar. It is, therefore, premature, although I will continue to do so, to sing Christmas songs and carols until it is Christmas.

Advent serves to prepare us for the coming celebration of Christ's birth. We do not have twelve days of Advent, we have the twelve days of Christmas (December 25-January 5), ending on January 6 with the feast of the Epiphany.

During Advent, we notice that the liturgical paraments and the vestments worn by Pastor Bill change.  This change in color is recognition that Advent is a time of preparation and repentance as well as a symbol of the royalty of the coming King. The color blue is also used as a symbol of anticipation and hope.

The traditional use of Advent candles originated in eastern Germany as a sign of the waiting and hopeful expectation of the return in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. As this tradition came down to us by the beginning of this century, it involved three blue candles and one pink candle. The pink candle was the third candle to be lit (not the fourth) on Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of Advent. "Gaudete" means "Rejoice!" in Latin, which is taken from Philippians 4:4.  Hence a "pink" candle was used to signify "rejoicing." Other traditions use “Joy” for the meaning of the third candle to remind us that Advent is almost at an end and we can hardly contain our joy! It is appropriate that the children’s program is the third Sunday in Advent this year.

Advent makes us ponder the question - how are we preparing for the coming King? Are we preparing to celebrate the birth of our Savior or just hurrying to get gifts for loved ones?

Here are some of the traditional beliefs for the twelve days of Christmas:

· December 25: the day to celebrate the word made flesh with the birth of Jesus

· December 26 is the feast of St. Stephen—a traditional day for giving leftovers to the poor (as described in the carol "Good King Wenceslas").

· On Epiphany (January 6), the celebration of Christmas comes to an end. Epiphany commemorates the beginning of the proclamation of the gospel—Christ's manifestation to the nations.

We have four Sundays in Advent and a service on Wednesday nights as well. It is a time to prepare ourselves for the coming birth. We are then able to celebrate that miraculous birth for twelve days and sing all of our favorite Christmas hymns and songs. During the church service only the Christ candle, the center white candle, remains from the Advent wreath.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesdays and Sundays in Advent. Check here for our holiday service times!