COVID 19 Update
Sunday Morning In-house Worship Service
Praise God we have resumed in-person worship at Good Shepherd at 10 AM. The Zoom broadcasts continue. We invite you join us in-person or on Zoom.
In order to adhere to safety recommendations as we worship together, we have implemented the following:
One service at 10 AM each Sunday (until the elders can assess attendance and we gain experience with safety issues).
The service is held in the Sanctuary with groups of chairs spaced in groups for safety.
The greetings and sharing of the peace will be from a social distance and limited.
The wearing of a mask is recommended by the state, although be aware that not everyone will wear a face mask.
There will be no fellowship refreshments served.
We will forego the children’s message.
If you do not feel comfortable attending or are a person considered at risk of the virus, please remain at home and take advantage of the Zoom presentation of the service described below. Please email the church secretary at if you do not receive the zoom meeting invitations.
Communion has resumed with individual cups only (no common cup).
If you cannot come by the church and need the elements delivered to you, please call the church and let us know.
Alternative Zoom Service
The services will continue to be available via Zoom for those wishing to participate.
A link will be sent to all members each week.
Adult Bible Study via Zoom
Due to timing issues of Zooming the Bible Study and getting ready for an in-person service, the Sunday morning Bible Study is temporarily suspended.
We are excited to gather as a community, and we look forward to expanding the opportunities to worship together.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.
David Smith
Head Elder
210 218 3685