Newsletter April 2020
The Voice - March 29, 2020
Click here for the Voice
The Voice - March 22, 2020
Update on COVID-19
Due to the impact of the Corona virus and the government’s desire to protect our country’s health by restricting groups of 10 or more from meeting we believe it is in the best interest of our members and visitors to suspend church operations until Easter as follows:
Unless the government imposed Corona virus restrictions ease sooner, church services will be suspended immediately as of Wednesday, March 18, through Good Friday with the first anticipated resumption of services being on Easter Sunday. However the church will remain open on Sunday mornings during normal worship times for prayer and meditation.
Sunday School for all ages will be postponed until further notice.
This was an extremely difficult decision to make as we are concerned with the spiritual as well as physical well-being of our members. It is important for us to remain connected with one another and our Lord. During this time we ask that you:
From your homes, join us in prayer and scripture reading at 10:00 am each Sunday so that we remain worshipping together as a church family albeit each from our respective homes.
Reach out frequently via phone, email or text to your fellow Good Shepherd members. We do not want anyone to feel disconnected or isolated during this time.
Take the time to read scripture to your children.
We pray that the Lord our God will bless you, protect you, and keep you healthy both in body and spirit during this unusual time.
Please reach out to any one of the elders if you have concerns or need any assistance.
David Smith, head elder 210 218-3685
Glen Leavens 508 769-6451
Vince Woolley 859 801-5598
Ryan Reasoner 513 305-8674
Keith Juergens 859 380-9637