An Update From Council

Notes from March Council Meeting:

1) Pastor is looking into doing a congregational visioning sometime in the near future. We are coming upon our church's 25th anniversary in the year of 2020 and it is felt that this would be a good time to re-assess what our vision is at Good Shepherd. There will be more on that to follow as the year goes on.

2) We will be having our next Mobile Food Pantry in May.

3) Andy and Ryan are looking at potential dates in the summer for folks to go down to Paintsville for a mission project. Let them know if you're interested!

4) The church has hired a new housekeeper who will start on the 23rd of March. He will come one day a week to clean the church. Any issues should be brought to Becky Aragon’s attention.

5) We have a new council secretary – Lisa Berns – thank you so much for stepping up and helping!

6) Our next meeting will take place on April 9th.

Charlie's Socks

A Ministry of Comfort and Love

Thanks to your generosity we met our goal, and then some.

88 pairs were donated for adults males at the Emergency Shelter of Northern KY and to Prince of Peace in Over-The- Rhine. 42 pairs were donated for the women at Brighton Center. 108 pairs were donated for the children at Ockerman and Yealey. 

I think we can all say that Charlie is pleased. A total of 238 pairs of socks donated. A big thank you to all you participated!!

“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” - Hebrews 13:16


Dear Friends of Good Shepherd:

The days seem to be flying by and with Spring right around the corner, I know that people plan for outings and events early.  That’s why I’m inviting you now to mark your calendars for a very special CELEBRATION called, Cross The Bridge For Life, which will be taking place on Sunday June 3, 2018.  This event marks our 13th Year Anniversary!  Cross The Bridge For Life is a peaceful and prayerful walk bringing thousands of people, both young and old, with different faith backgrounds from the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area together with the same objective:  to bring awareness in respecting human life at all stages – from conception to natural death.

Our momentum continues to grow!  This is a non-denominational event sponsored by 25 life-affirming organizations, agencies, and churches in the Greater Cincinnati area. Because our numbers have grown over the years and have exceeded our capacity to meet at our former location (the World Peace Bell), the gathering now takes place at the Newport Festival area (behind the Newport Aquarium on the Levee) along the Ohio River (just left of the Purple People Bridge).  The fun begins at 1:00 p.m., with the actual Walk starting at 2:00 p.m.  There will be entertainment, clowns, balloon twisters, free t-shirts, face painting, music and a complimentary JTM picnic immediately following the Walk. This family-friendly event has become a fabulous opportunity for the public to stand up for the sanctity of human life while filling the Purple People Bridge with joy and laughter.  We are all God’s children!  Why not CELEBRATe?

Please plan on joining the CELEBRATION by marking your calendar with this special day!  I look forward to walking with you as we Cross The Bridge For Life together!


Jackie Vezina
President – Northern Kentucky Chapter – Lutherans For Life
Volunteer - Cross the Bridge For Life Outreach Committee

What is your gift?

The apostle Paul in talking to the Corinthians refers to the believers and baptized members of Christ as various parts of the body of Christ. He also references the gifts of the Spirit and says this: “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.” 1 Corinthians 12:4. God has enabled each and every one of us with different spiritual gifts. To some of us He has given the gift of being able to manage money. To others He has given the gift of working with their hands. Still, to others He gives the gift of organization or management. We have been given these gifts so that we can use them to serve Him, both in our church and in our community. It is our responsibility and duty to make sure that we are not wasting this gift or using it in ways that are not pleasing to Him. Our church is the Body of Christ with God as our head. Each member plays a role. Typically that role will have something to do with the gift they have been given through God. When one role is not being filled, the body or church has to rely on others to fulfill it. This changes the way the body works and therefore decreases its strength and function. I am asking that each one of you evaluate your well-being and figure out what gift it is that the Lord has blessed you with. Are you using your God-given talent to help further his church? We are only as strong as each part/member. If you are not assisting in some way, please prayerfully consider how you can help. When one part is overworked the body is not as effective.

-Becky Aragon, GSLC President

Dave Ramsey Live

Dave Ramsey Live is back with a twist.... It's for individuals on their own equipment from the comfort of their homes, for a fee.

Groups of 10 or more may enjoy a nominal discount, so theoretically, we could do a centralized group again if there was sufficient interest, but there would be a fee involved.

Please respond to with your interest in a group viewing; otherwise register individually using the link below.

Dave Ramsey Registration